# Use PIN Mapper to extract data from Chicago Cityscape
PIN Mapper is an advanced feature that allows you to quickly create a map and extract property data from our expansive database if you already have a list of PINs.
Chicago Cityscape has dozens of characteristics about nearly two million properties in Cook County. Given a list of PINs that you supply, PIN Mapper can respond with several of those characteristics in the form of a file you can download and open in a spreadsheet application for further review or analysis.
Characteristics that can be pulled using PIN Mapper include:
- address
- taxpayer name
- tax bill for the latest year with a second installment
- assessed value
- exempt status
- property classification & description
- number of dwelling units
- last sale price and date
- last sale buyer and seller names
- number of rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms
- exemptions
Additionally, PIN Mapper can point out PINs in your list that it believes are invalid (either malformed or not found in our database), and offers to create a [Super Parcel](Super%20Parcel.md) if you supply 2-15 PINs in your list.
## How to use PIN Mapper
1. Open [PIN Mapper](http://chicagocityscape.com/pinmapper.php).
2. Paste your list of PINs in the text box. If your pasted data has column names (which is likely the case if you copied from a spreadsheet) the column containing the PIN must be called "pin" (that's case sensitive).
3. Check none, some, or all of the "Respond with..." checkboxes if you would like PIN Mapper to extract additional information beyond the default information (learn more about this in the following section, [[#Extracting additional data]].
4. Select the "Submit PINs" button and wait a moment for PIN Mapper to compare your list of PINs to the PINs in our database.
Once the PIN mapping process is complete the following will happen (see *screenshot 1*):
- the Map will show the located PINs.
- the Information table will count the number of PINs you provided, the number of PINs found in our database, and any PINs that PIN Mapper believes are invalid, not found, or duplicates (see [[#PIN Mapper will also...]] below).
- the "PINs we found" data table will show the extracted data.
![[Pasted image 20240804233900.png]]
*Screenshot 1 showing the Map and Information results after submitting PINs.*
### PIN Mapper will also...
- allow you to convert your list of PINs into a [[Super Parcel]] (Super Parcels can combine up to 15 parcels into a single hypothetical parcel, with which Property Report can apply some of the same features, like Zoning Assessment in Chicago, as if it were a real parcel).
- identify PINs in your list that are duplicates.
- identify PINs in your list that are likely invalid because they are not 14 or 10 digits long (even after the "-" dashes are removed); these will be listed next to `pins_invalid`.
- identify PINs in your list that are likely not real (because they are not found in our database); these will be listed next to `count_not_found`.
- accept additional data that aren't PINs, including custom data that you supply from a spreadsheet. These additional columns of data will be ignored but returned to you. Only the column named "pin" will be read as a list of your PINs.
## Tip: Extract additional data
PIN Mapper also offers three options for you to extract additional data from the Chicago Cityscape database.
- Property sales data
- Residential building & condo characteristics
- Exemptions
Before selecting the "Submit PINs" button select one or more of the checkboxes next to one of the "Respond with..." texts and PIN Mapper will also extract that data for each of the PINs in your submission.
![[Pasted image 20240701131549.png]]
# Related articles
- [Illinois Answers Project used PIN Mapper in their story](https://illinoisanswers.org/2024/08/04/how-we-reported-on-cook-county-assessment-errors/) about assessment data quality and the real world impact of missing data