> “A false notion which is clear and precise will always meet with a greater number of adherents in the world than a true principle which is obscure or involved.” > *Alexis de Tocqueville* ^3e60d5 We find [[complexity]] everywhere in the world and we have three options for how we confront this: 1. Ignore it (oversimplify something) 2. Avoid it (run away from something) 3. Embrace it (run to something) The path of least resistance is ignoring complexity. There is a general tendency in society to reduce important aspects of complexity which is termed the reductive bias. We learn by starting with the most basic and increasing complexity which instills in us a rigid process for processing advanced material. We make inferences based on simplification strategies, forgetting [the map is not the territory](https://fs.blog/map-and-territory/), and miss the detailed richness that our abstractions conceal. If we cannot ignore it the next general tendency is to avoid complexity. We run away from it because it is scary, unknown, and anxiety inducing. By trying to escape it we become a prisoner to it. > ”Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?“ > ‭‭[Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭27‬ ‭NIV‬‬](https://bible.com/bible/111/mat.6.27.NIV) Therefore we are left with the most difficult choice but also the most rewarding. Difficulty does not mean impossible and it also does not mean time consuming. Difficult means working against our natural tendencies which requires radical self reflection. It means we can increasingly grasp and appreciate the richness of the world around us including the opportunities and risks that our abstractions may have otherwise concealed. My goal in this project is to make the difficult more understandable by explaining complex topics in short, digestible essays that are approachable to the majority of people, regardless of education and experience. This doesn't mean I will teach down, instead I aim to teach to the highest level. But it does mean we will hold ourselves to a rigorous standard of being comprehensive AND succinct. We do this to make the complex topics of risk taking and the financial markets more approachable to the average person. I love the financial markets and want to share my passion with the world. I have found that many people approach the markets with either an unhealthy fear or over confidence and neither of these approaches tend to yield favorable results. I believe that anyone can learn and develop expertise if they are willing to put in the required work and understand it's the process that yields the results. I try to make that learning more approachable. This doesn't make the topics any less complex, but it does try to show how complexity and uncertainty are not necessarily things to run away from. ## Background This knowledge base is an ongoing project to organize the various things I have learned over the course of my life and professional career. I am an avid note taker and collector of insights. Kunal Shah describes insight as "the smallest unit of [[truth]] that is actionable." This project is something that I always wanted to do for myself and doing it in the public domain serves the public good and also regulates the quality and standards of what is published. To learn more about my professional credentials you can checkout my [LinkedIn profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuamyerscfa/) ## Usage The organization and design of this project is influenced by the principals of [Cognitive Flexibility Theory](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272177675_Cognitive_Flexibility_Theory_Advanced_Knowledge_Acquisition_in_Ill-Structured_Domains?enrichId=rgreq-eddc09ea104da23ac94fbf82e3b21ffc-XXX&enrichSource=Y292ZXJQYWdlOzI3MjE3NzY3NTtBUzozMDA1Mzk1ODI2NjQ3MDRAMTQ0ODY2NTYyODA5OQ%3D%3D&el=1_x_3&_esc=publicationCoverPdf). Everything contained within is some bit of knowledge or wisdom which we tag as: 1. Evergreen: Timeless truths that serve as the foundation for our exploration of life and the markets. 2. Buddings: Insights and Truths that are not fully formed or that we are exploring. 3. Seeds: Ideas, Concepts, Knowledge, Principals, Theories, Disciplines, Practices, etc. that we found important enough to include but have not yet begun an in-depth exploration. I write the [CHG Market Commentary](https://cedarshillgroup.substack.com/) weekly newsletter alongside this project which is a real-time application of these insights in the domain of the financial markets and I constantly relate them to universal everyday life experiences. Many notes have a "case study" section at the bottom which links to different newsletters which focus on the insights covered in that note. Insights are organized in a vertical hierarchy of folders to the left and horizontally through links to related notes which can be seen in the graph view in the upper right-hand corner. This allows users to not only acquire knowledge in the classic way of starting with the most basic and increasingly the complexity as learning progresses, but it allows for learning how different concepts are related to other concepts to encourage a deeper understanding of the material. I focus my social media efforts on Substack and use the Notes feature to engage with my audience on a more frequent basis and to experiment with different ideas for newsletters and this project. You can also follow me on [X](https://twitter.com/CedarsHill) where I usually share my notes and engage with a broader audience. Now that you have an understanding of the motivation behind this project and how to engage with it and me you are ready to begin your journey: [[Mastery Through Connected Truths|Enter Here]] Tags: #evergreen