# The Four FNAF 1 Lore Posters
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[![[552 Struggling Restaurant poster.png|175]]](<552 Struggling Restaurant poster.png>)[![[2 child poster.jpg|175]]](<2 child poster.jpg>)[![[551 5-child poster Expanded.jpg|175]]](<551 5-child poster Expanded.jpg>)[![[Sanitation Poster.jpg|175]]](<Sanitation Poster.jpg>)
[![[4 FNAF 1 posters sharpened.jpg]]](<4 FNAF 1 posters sharpened.jpg>)
## Two Posters, Two Different Events
[![[2 child poster.jpg|330]]](<2 child poster.jpg>) [![[551 5-child poster Expanded.jpg|340]]](<551 5-child poster Expanded.jpg>)
- One poster has 2 kids, the other 5. A camera records who goes into the room. Why would three kids not be reported immediately?
- In the 2-kid poster, the camera easily identifies The Suspect so police can grab them right away. This wouldn't be possible if the suspect was wearing a suit and their face was covered. But the 5-child poster specifies the suspect is wearing a suit.
- The 2-child poster says the use of a Company Mascot as a lore is theorized. They'd know for sure if it appeared on camera, again suggesting the suspect isn't wearing a suit. Meanwhile, the 5-child poster says the suspect dressed as a Cartoon Mascot.
- The distinction between a Company and Cartoon Mascot is important, because [[Fredbear and Friends|Spring Bonnie isn't in the Fredbear and Friends cartoon]]. While [[Foxy Go Go|Foxy]] is the one who discovers the dead kids in the MCI room, and presumably takes the fall for it.
- The 5-child poster says the suspect wearing the Cartoon Mascot suit was the convicted suspect. The suspect was definitely William, but that means he was wearing Foxy that day, not Spring Bonnie.
The 2-child poster perfectly describes the Purple Guy Easter Egg in FNAF 4: William is using a Company Mascot (Spring Bonnie) to lure a kid while wearing no costume himself.
The 5-child poster perfectly describes the MCI, where William is wearing Cartoon Mascot Foxy.
![[Purple Guy Easter Egg 1.png|200]] ![[CleanMapOfFoxyGoGo.png|450]]
Spring Bonnie is definitely involved with the 2-child event on June 26, yet no child was stuffed into Spring Bonnie during the MCI.
June 26 and the MCI must be different events.
## Other FNAF 1 posters
[![[Safety Rules poster.png|200]]](<Safety Rules poster.png>)