# The Autobiography of a Yogi | [[BlackfootFerret's FNAF Obsidian Vault\| Home]] | [[Games]] | [[Novels]] | [[Movies]] | [[Other]] | [[Theories]] | [[Videos]] | [[BlackfootFerret \| Ferret]] | [[Obsidian]] | | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | | ![[Autobiography of a Yogi original cover.jpg\|200]] | A book by [Paramhansa Yogananda](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramahansa_Yogananda>) about his encounters with spiritual figures of the East and West. <br><br>[Chapter 8](<https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Autobiography_of_a_Yogi/Chapter_8>) references [[Dr. Bose's Theory of Living Metal]] in an easter egg in the [[FNAF 1 Night 5 Call]].<br><br>[Dr. Bose](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagadish_Chandra_Bose>) said on a micro scale metal had properties like living flesh. While not confirmed by other scientists in our world, it's the mad science basis for how souls end up in FNAF robots.<br><br>The [[Springlocks]] in [[Springsuits]] connect the robot to their wearer, making the robot part of their body. This allows some of their soul to seep into the new addition, and stay behind once the springlocks are disengaged.| | -- | -- | The whole text is available for free on [Project Gutenberg](<https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/7452>). You can also go directly to [Chapter 8](<https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Autobiography_of_a_Yogi/Chapter_8>) on Wikisource. ## The quote from FNAF 1 Night 5 [![[Autobiography of a Yogi Chapter 8 quote from FNAFloreDotCom.png|680]]](<Autobiography of a Yogi Chapter 8 quote from FNAFloreDotCom.png>)