# help Considering the state of Mother Earth, it’s impossible for me to reach the conclusion that it would be helpful in any single way to increase my consumption. Since Earth's resources are finite and not infinite, the conclusion must be that we have to [[slow down]]. It's like humanity is sitting on a branch of a tree. The ground below is burning. Someone is sawing off the branch humanity is sitting on. Then some leading one-percenter shouts "someone bring a bigger saw!". To lessen consumption of the following seems like the right thing to do * goods * services * energy All developments can come in different forms and shapes. Some may give us pretty much the same life as we have now in terms of satisfaction of basic needs, and even more social justice, while some may give us nothing but pain, scarcity and starvation. So what is to be expected of the future? History has shown that all we know with certainty about the future is that our predictions will be proven wrong, but it doesn't look good inside the crystal ball. What __axil__ is about, is to help myself, my family and hopefully others too, to prepare for anything that's coming, in the context of resistance against any oppressor and against the current development. To vote with our wallets, to act in ways that support [[degrowth]] and to be frugal in our consumption choices, are all helpful acts of resistance. And don't forget to post some pictures of cute animals in social forums now and then. I regard this practice as resistance to dehumanisation since it connects us to parts of what being human is about. *** _"Some day, we will all die, Snoopy." "True, but on all the other days, we will not."_ Charles M. Schulz *** %% %%|%% %%|%% %%|%% %% - - | - - | - - | - - [[axil]]|[[logbook]]|[[about]]|[[TOC]] *** __Tag list__ * #publish/axil