Welcome to **axil** %% Describe who am I writing for, from which perpective = northern hemisphere households. Whatabout economic resources? Comment on the often authoritarian tone, do this, don't do that; and mention that I'm far from perfect myself. axil is supposed to be seen as a guide. %% ![[axil-2.jpg]] If you want to check out what's going on you might want to check out the [[logbook]] and then return here. There are many books that claim to be or have been given the epithet _the bible of survival_. __axil__ doesn't compete within the limited area that such books tend to cover, but rather adds to the stew. I might add that __axil__ in major parts is being created from the perspective of a citizen of the Global North. **axil** consists of small notes with the potential to make life more agreeable and sustainable as we face challenges related to perhaps more nearby and bigger threats than we are willing to acknowledge. The purpose of __axil__ is to collect different kinds of knowledge in one place, knowledge that hopefully can be helpful when dealing with the daunting challenges facing humankind today. Various factors, e.g. the transition from one economic system to another, wars, climate change and environmental disasters, will probably come to cause change in which a much greater number of people than today will face scarce resources, or at least not the resources we are accustomed to. Regardless the cause it seems benevolent for survival and sustainability to have the necessary knowledge and the skills to match up with the demands. Let's set out on a venture and find answers to some of my questions that arose after pondering life threatening matters like global warming, environmental disasters, crashed world economy and so on and so forth. The questions are nested into the Table of Contents, [[TOC]], but perhaps you'd like to know something more [[about]] this website and me before you go on. In that case I suggest you have a look at the absolutely flaunderous [[about]]-page first and then go straight to [[TOC]] from there. The style is often authoritative. I find that style more effective than wrapping messages in voluminous cotton balls of politeness. That doesn’t mean that I don’t expect the reader to make decisions of his/her own. __axil__ is just my personal way of thinking and about the choices I make. The texts may give the impression that I am perfect concerning these matters. Far from it! But I’m working on it. I’m trying to get better. I think I owe that to our beautiful planet and all of the life upon it. ![[cloudy-sky-from-above.jpg]] *** >I don't know what word in the English language - I can't find one - that applies to people who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organised human life so they can put a few more dollars into highly overstuffed pockets. _The word "evil" doesn't begin to approach it_. >Noam Chomsky *** %% %%|%% %%|%% %%|%% %% - - | - - | - - | - - axil|[[logbook]]|[[about]]|[[TOC]] *** __Tag list__ * #publish/axil