![250](https://atlas-games.com/atlas-cms/resources/styles/arm5openlicenselogo.png) Welcome to a cursory copy of the manuscript, which has been sent to early backers of # Ars Magica Definitive Edition lovingly put together by Atlas Games and its associates. The copy includes legal and editor's notes as they came with the manuscript, and this homepage is the only work original to me, the transcriber. The homepage will be periodically updated with more and better ways to peruse the painstakingly separated contents of the manuscript. For now, you may enjoy a list of links to the following chapters: # Content Chapters\* \* Links below whole chapters direct to separated chapter segments. Note that full chapters contain important intros! ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 00 - Credits+Legal|Credits & Legal]] ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 01 - Introduction|Introduction]] This chapter introduces us to the system of **Ars Magica**. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[01 Introduction/Introduction\|Introduction]] | An introductory story from the perspective of a regular peasant. | | [[01 Introduction/Welcome to Ars Magica\|Welcome to Ars Magica]] | A welcoming to the system. | | [[01 Introduction/Basic Ideas\|Basic Ideas]] | Explaining the premise of the system and stories therein. | | [[01 Introduction/Structure of the Book\|Structure of the Book]] | Brief to the book's chapters. | | [[01 Introduction/Glossary\|Glossary]] | Important game and in-game terms, in no particular order. | | [[01 Introduction/Die Rolls\|Die Rolls]] | How to roll the dice and what for. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 02 - Order of Hermes|Order of Hermes]] Here we are briefed into the structure and history of the Order of Hermes, the main magical organization in Mythic Europe. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[02 Order of Hermes/The Order of Hermes\|The Order of Hermes]] | What the Order of Hermes is generally. | | [[02 Order of Hermes/The History of the Order\|The History of the Order]] | How the Order came to be, and its struggles over the centuries. | | [[02 Order of Hermes/The Houses of Hermes\|The Houses of Hermes]] | Twelve main factions within the Order, each their own subculture. | | [[02 Order of Hermes/Covenants\|Covenants]] | Individual places in which magi live. | | [[02 Order of Hermes/The Code of Hermes\|The Code of Hermes]] | Rules by which the magi have to abide. | | [[02 Order of Hermes/Tribunals\|Tribunals]] | Periodic great magic gatherings, separated by region. | | [[02 Order of Hermes/The Order and Society\|The Order and Society]] | How the Order and the medieval society interact. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 03 - Characters|Characters]] Here are the basics of characters and how to make them. The following few chapters elaborate no this. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[03 Characters/Character Types\|Character Types]] | Roles for playable characters. | | [[03 Characters/Character Basics\|Character Basics]] | The statistics that make up a character. | | [[03 Characters/Character Templates\|Character Templates]] | Adjustable quick-play templates for grogs, companions and magi. | | [[03 Characters/Detailed Character Creation\|Detailed Character Creation]] | Making a new character, from start to finish. | | [[03 Characters/Mythic Companions\|Mythic Companions]] | Optionally stronger companion types. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 04 - Virtues and Flaws|Virtues & Flaws]] The Virtues and Flaws are a sort of trait system which differentiates characters and makes them unique. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | [[04 Virtues and Flaws/Types of Virtue and Flaw\|Types of Virtue and Flaw]] | Description of specific Virtue and Flaw types. | | [[04 Virtues and Flaws/Virtues\|Virtues]] | List of all character virtues, alphabetical. | | [[04 Virtues and Flaws/Flaws\|Flaws]] | List of all character flaws, alphabetical. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 05 - Abilities|Abilities]] The Abilities are a mechanical representation of a character's proficiencies. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | [[05 Abilities/Specializations\|Specializations]] | What specializations are, and how to apply them. | | [[05 Abilities/Abilities With No Score\|Abilities With No Score]] | How to handle Abilities with no score. | | [[05 Abilities/Ability Types\|Ability Types]] | Description of specific Ability types. | | [[05 Abilities/Ability List\|Ability List]] | List of all Abilities, alphabetical. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 06 - Covenants|Covenants]] The Covenants are the places in which magi live, and are presumed to be the players' "home base". | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | [[06 Covenants/Covenant Seasons\|Covenant Seasons]] | Proverbial "seasons" in life of the magical covenant. | | [[06 Covenants/Covenant Situations\|Covenant Situations]] | Several covenant presets. | | [[06 Covenants/Customized Covenant Creation\|Customized Covenant Creation]] | Creating a new covenant, from start to finish. | | [[06 Covenants/Covenant Loyalty\|Covenant Loyalty]] | An optional subsystem for managing loyalty of covenfolk. | | [[06 Covenants/Covenant Finances\|Covenant Finances]] | An optional subsystem for managing finances. | | [[06 Covenants/The Organization of Covenfolk\|The Organization of Covenfolk]] | How the covenant's denizens can organize. | | [[06 Covenants/The Covenant in Play\|The Covenant in Play]] | How to treat the covenant during play. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 07 - Hermetic Magic|Hermetic Magic]] An excessively deep look into how magic should work, and options for it. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/The Gift\|The Gift]] | Workings of the Gift, which fuels magical powers. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/The Hermetic Arts\|The Hermetic Arts]] | Brief for each of the fifteen Hermetic Arts. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Limits of Magic\|Limits of Magic]] | Limits by which magic must abide. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Raw Vis\|Raw Vis]] | Brief for the raw power in object form. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Casting Spells\|Casting Spells]] | How to cast spells, and what interacts with them. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Spellcasting Options\|Spellcasting Options]] | Additional options for casting spells. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Arcane Connections\|Arcane Connections]] | Brief for connections between objects and creatures. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Penetration\|Penetration]] | Mechanics for overcoming magic resistance. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Magic Resistance\|Magic Resistance]] | Mechanics of resisting magic, tandems with previous segment. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Sigils\|Sigils]] | Idea of unique minor differences between spellcasters. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Spell Mastery\|Spell Mastery]] | Various Abilities of spell mastery, which further enhance them. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Dangers\|Dangers]] | Dangers that come with neglectful overuse of magic. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Certamen\|Certamen]] | Mechanics for codified, non-lethal magic duels. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Mysteries\|Mysteries]] | Unusual methods with which cultists initiate into additional powers. | | [[07 Hermetic Magic/Ex Miscellanea Traditions\|Ex Miscellanea Traditions]] | Several possible traditions from the eclectic House Ex Miscellanea. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 08 - Laboratory|Laboratory]] While the previous chapter gets us used to casting spells in the moment, this chapter focuses on long-term activities performed by the magi. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | [[08 Laboratory/The Laboratory in Play\|The Laboratory in Play]] | Narrative uses for the laboratory. | | [[08 Laboratory/Basic Laboratory Activities\|Basic Laboratory Activities]] | Basics for generating a Lab Total. | | [[08 Laboratory/Spells\|Spells]] | Learning and inventing spells. | | [[08 Laboratory/Magical Enchantments\|Magical Enchantments]] | Enchanting objects. | | [[08 Laboratory/Similar Spells\|Similar Spells]] | Brief for using a "similar spell" bonus. | | [[08 Laboratory/Longevity Rituals\|Longevity Rituals]] | How to live for a very long time with the power of magic. | | [[08 Laboratory/Laboratory Texts\|Laboratory Texts]] | How to author and use laboratory notes. | | [[08 Laboratory/Multiple Laboratory Activities\|Multiple Laboratory Activities]] | Performing many activities at once. | | [[08 Laboratory/Help in the Laboratory\|Help in the Laboratory]] | Receiving or providing help in the laboratory. | | [[08 Laboratory/Distractions from Lab Work\|Distractions from Lab Work]] | Taking time off from work, and what comes with it. | | [[08 Laboratory/Familiars\|Familiars]] | Rules for binding a familiar, sometimes your only friend. | | [[08 Laboratory/Apprentices\|Apprentices]] | Rules for training apprentices to carry on your legacy. | | [[08 Laboratory/Arcane Experimentation\|Arcane Experimentation]] | Inventing things with a bonus, at a cost of stability. | | [[08 Laboratory/Arcane Discovery\|Arcane Discovery]] | Expanding the magic theory and breaking its limits. | | [[08 Laboratory/Shape and Material Bonuses Table\|Shape and Material Bonuses Table]] | An expansive list of materials and shapes attuned to magic. | | [[08 Laboratory/Laboratory Personalization Rules\|Laboratory Personalization Rules]] | Optional sub-system for personalizing your laboratory. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 09 - Spells|Spells]] After learning how to invent and cast spells, this chapter teaches us what the spells are, and what they can do. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | [[09 Spells/Levels\|Levels]] | The definition of levels, in a magical context. | | [[09 Spells/Magnitudes\|Magnitudes]] | The definition of magnitudes, in a magical context. | | [[09 Spells/Spell Design\|Spell Design]] | Design elements of a spell. | | [[09 Spells/Spell Format\|Spell Format]] | Additional formatting elements of a spell. | | [[09 Spells/Animal Spells\|Animal Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Animal. | | [[09 Spells/Aquam Spells\|Aquam Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Aquam. | | [[09 Spells/Auram Spells\|Auram Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Auram. | | [[09 Spells/Corpus Spells\|Corpus Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Corpus. | | [[09 Spells/Herbam Spells\|Herbam Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Herbam. | | [[09 Spells/Ignem Spells\|Ignem Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Ignem. | | [[09 Spells/Imaginem Spells\|Imaginem Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Imaginem. | | [[09 Spells/Mentem Spells\|Mentem Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Mentem. | | [[09 Spells/Terram Spells\|Terram Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Terram. | | [[09 Spells/Vim Spells\|Vim Spells]] | Spells and guidelines for the Form of Vim. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 10 - Long Term Events|Long Term Events]] In this chapter we explore the many ways players can spend their characters' lives, seasons at a time. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | [[10 Long Term Events/Experience and Advancement\|Experience and Advancement]] | What experience is, how to obtain and use it. | | [[10 Long Term Events/Books\|Books]] | Authoring, finding and reading books, and book types. | | [[10 Long Term Events/Learning Supernatural Abilities\|Learning Supernatural Abilities]] | How to learn new special powers (hint: you need The Gift). | | [[10 Long Term Events/Training Creatures\|Training Creatures]] | How to train your mundane and magical beasts. | | [[10 Long Term Events/Changing Reputations\|Changing Reputations]] | How to change your reputation in some circle. | | [[10 Long Term Events/Mystery Initiation\|Mystery Initiation]] | Mechanics for initiating into the aforementioned Mysteries. | | [[10 Long Term Events/Warping\|Warping]] | The dangers of keeping in magic too much, too long. | | [[10 Long Term Events/Aging\|Aging]] | How characters age, and eventually pass on. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 11 - Obstacles|Obstacles]] Here we learn how to injure characters, in combat or otherwise, and how to deal with the consequences. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[13 Bestiary/Creature Format/Combat\|Combat]] | An expansive look into using physical altercations to challenge characters. | | [[11 Obstacles/Encumbrance\|Encumbrance]] | How carrying too much affects characters. | | [[11 Obstacles/Fatigue\|Fatigue]] | The way characters tire and recover. | | [[11 Obstacles/Wounds\|Wounds]] | Injuries, what they imply, and how to treat them. | | [[11 Obstacles/Other Perils\|Other Perils]] | Non-combat options for injuring creatures. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 12 - Realms|Realms]] This chapter treats about the many mystical realms which vie for domination within the game's setting. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[12 Realms/The Nature of the Realms\|The Nature of the Realms]] | A philosophical outlook on the supernatural Realms. | | [[12 Realms/Realm Auras\|Realm Auras]] | How the Realms interact with each other. | | [[12 Realms/Creatures of a Realm\|Creatures of a Realm]] | Brief for supernatural creatures. | | [[12 Realms/The Magic Realm\|The Magic Realm]] | Explaining the everlasting realm of Magic. | | [[12 Realms/The Infernal Realm\|The Infernal Realm]] | Explaining the evil realm of the Infernal. | | [[12 Realms/The Faerie Realm\|The Faerie Realm]] | Explaining the wonderful realm of the Faerie. | | [[12 Realms/The Divine Realm\|The Divine Realm]] | Explaining the God's realm of the Divine. | | [[12 Realms/The Mundane\|The Mundane]] | What the "mundane" is in the context of Ars Magica. | | [[12 Realms/Regiones\|Regiones]] | Look into the mystical layers of the world that are Regiones. | | [[12 Realms/Vis Sources\|Vis Sources]] | Potential sources of the coagulated mystical energy. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 13 - Bestiary|Bestiary]] Each realm is home to creatures that inhabit it, are created by it, or became attuned to it. This chapter elaborates on them, and provides examples. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[13 Bestiary/Creature Might\|Creature Might]] | Brief into Might, an equivalent to a creature's mystical strength. | | [[13 Bestiary/Creature Powers\|Creature Powers]] | Brief into using mystical powers of creatures. | | [[13 Bestiary/Creature Format\|Creature Format]] | Similarly to characters, creatures have a format to their statistics. | | [[13 Bestiary/Creating Creatures\|Creating Creatures]] | Briefly explaining how to make a creature for its role. | | [[13 Bestiary/Mundane Beasts\|Mundane Beasts]] | Listing common mundane beasts. | | [[13 Bestiary/Creatures of Magic\|Creatures of Magic]] | Listing creature types and their examples for the Magic Realm. | | [[13 Bestiary/Creatures of Faerie\|Creatures of Faerie]] | Listing creature types and their examples for the Faerie Realm. | | [[13 Bestiary/Infernal Creatures\|Infernal Creatures]] | Listing creature types and their examples for the Infernal Realm. | | [[13 Bestiary/Creatures of the Divine\|Creatures of the Divine]] | Listing creature types and their examples for the Divine Realm. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 14 - Mythic Europe|Mythic Europe]] The mystical couldn't exist without the mundane, and Mythic Europe is exactly that - an otherwise historical setting, which can be nevertheless adjusted to your liking. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[14 Mythic Europe/Making it Historical\|Making it Historical]] | Why and how to make the game feel immersive. | | [[14 Mythic Europe/Pieces of History\|Pieces of History]] | Elements of medieval culture, usable for the game. | | [[14 Mythic Europe/Public Power for Women\|Public Power for Women]] | Brief into how women can shine in stories set in these trying times. | | [[14 Mythic Europe/Errors and Anachronisms\|Errors and Anachronisms]] | How to handle events in which history has been misinterpreted. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 15 - Stories|Stories]] This chapter refers to storyguides in primary, and teaches how to tell a story within the game. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | [[15 Stories/General Considerations\|General Considerations]] | Main points for writing stories. | | [[15 Stories/Story Types\|Story Types]] | Categories of stories to be told. | | [[15 Stories/Story Ideas\|Story Ideas]] | Premises for many stories. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 16 - Sagas|Sagas]] A sequence of stories makes a saga - a sort of personal epic with player characters playing their role in a prevailing setting. | Sub-Chapter | Note | | --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | [[16 Sagas/Background Questions\|Background Questions]] | Elements of the game which can come into question. | | [[16 Sagas/Saga Speed\|Saga Speed]] | Adjustable speed of the game. | | [[16 Sagas/Researching a Setting\|Researching a Setting]] | How deep the historical research can go. | | [[16 Sagas/Saga Styles\|Saga Styles]] | Sample prevailing themes for sagas. | | [[16 Sagas/Saga Priorities\|Saga Priorities]] | Final words on what to prioritize in sagas. | ## [[00 Chapters/Chapter 17 - Editor's Note|Editor's Note]] # Quick Reference Documents [[QRD/Hermetic Arts|Hermetic Arts]] ## Legal **Based on the material for Ars Magica, ©1993–2024, licensed by Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games® , under [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) ("CC-BY-SA 4.0")** **Ars Magica Open License Logo ©2024 Trident, Inc. The Ars Magica Open License Logo, Ars Magica, and Mythic Europe are trademarks of Trident, Inc., and are used with permission.** **Order of Hermes, Tremere, Doissetep, and Grimgroth are trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB and are used with permission.**