I'm Aron Vallinder. I'm a researcher working on the cultural evolution of cooperation among LLM agents; see [this recent paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.10270). If you're interested in working in the area or just want to chat, feel free to reach out: vallinder at gmail dot com.
I'm a philosopher by training, with a background in epistemology (formal and social) and decision theory. Previously, I worked at the [Forethought Foundation](https://www.forethought.org/), where I did research for William MacAskill's *What We Owe The Future.* I did my PhD at [LSE](https://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/), with a thesis on Bayesian epistemology and normative uncertainty.
- [[Current projects]]
- [[Questions on my mind]]
- [[Musings]]
- [[Papers I've written]]