# Share your work in progress [[Make it easy to share stuff]]. Even if nothing is finished yet, share snippets.[^1] The old way was to hide one's process. The new way is to show as you go. [[People appreciate art more when they see behind the scenes]]. This can be WIPs, studio pics, inspirations, influences, etc.[^2] "Become a documentarian of what you do," says Austin Kleon. Take pictures, write, record videos to share about your process.[^3] Nahre Sol attributes this practice to saving her music career after she graduated music school.[^4] Ze Frank says he's more interested in what job candidates are working on right now, as opposed to their portfolio.[^5] ![[They want to see what you have made]] It may scare the ego to pull back the curtain, but [[Creative flow leads to ego death]]. In this way, sharing is not so much about what your ego gets out of it, but rather [[Sharing is an act of generosity]]. Not only can sharing get your work in front of others, but [[Sharing can inform your work]]. [^1]: [DON'T FAIL! How To ACTUALLY Get CLIENTS for MIXING! - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmoT3sAAhXg) [^2]: [[Show Your Work]] pg. 36-38 [^3]: [[Show Your Work]] pg. 39-40 [^4]: [The Simple Habit That Saved My Failing Music Career - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTJQJ0ToFnU) [^5]: [[Show Your Work]] pg. 48