# Observe the little things In a meditative state, things that usually mean nothing to me can mean everything.[^1] [[Pay attention]]. Rilke shares the things from which his eyes draw refreshment: the simple, inconsiderable things in nature, which hardly anyone sees.[^2] Part of the job of an artist is to call attention to overlooked things.[^3] Rilke commends, if you can cling to these, then everything will become "easier, more coherent and somehow more conciliatory … in your inmost consciousness."[^2] ![[The most ordinary things —Michel de Montaigne]] ![[Our sense of enchantment is not triggered only by grand things —Katherine May]] [^1]: [[Creative, Not Famous—The Small Potato Manifesto]] pg. 69 [^2]: [[Letters to a Young Poet]] pg. 27 [^3]: [[Show Your Work]] pg. 79