# Imperfections are part of style Wes Anderson used animal fur for the models in Fantastic Mr. Fox purely for its imperfect effect.[^1] [[Wabi-sabi]] is a concept from Japanese aesthetics that values imperfection. Struthless says, "Mistakes are the path to creativity," and goes on to say, "The astral yeehaw only happens if you let the hiccups happen."[^2] Perhaps this is because both transcendence and mistakes are outside of one's control. [[Be willing to write a bad song]]. [[Embrace anti-perfectionism]]. ![[Artists; you do know, don't you, that your mistakes are your style]] ![[Being a freak is pretty freaking awesome —Rodney Norman]] [[Embrace happy accidents]]. [^1]: [Why Do Wes Anderson Movies Look Like That? - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba3c9KEuQ4A) [^2]: [The Curse of the Country Song (documentary) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAO6MD7Qc44)