# All about compression Compression is a [[Nonlinear process]]. It is composed of two processes: gain reduction on the highest levels followed by a linear output gain called makeup gain.[^1] I like to set up compressors as follows: get an idea of what kind of attack and release I want, dial in a threshold, then adjust ratio to taste. - [[Understanding compression ratios]] - [[Setting compressor attack and release]] - [[Setting compressor knee]] - [[Compressing vocals]] - [[Tube compression]] - [[Optical compression]] - [[Diode-bridge compression]] - [[FET compression]] - [[VCA compression]] - [[Use RMS compression to retain more of the attack]] - [[Using sidechain EQ on your compressor to reduce pumping]] - [[Parallel compression]] - [[Feedback compression]] - [[Feed-forward compression]] - [[Upward compression]] - [[Use bus compression for glue]] - [[Using compressors as color boxes]] - [[Use a limiter when you don't want to change the sound]] [^1]: [[Audio Production and Critical Listening]] pg. 79