Hi! I'm [Alberto Lumbreras](https://albertolumbreras.net). Welcome to my [digital garden](https://garden.anthonyamar.fr/Digital+garden/Digital+garden), a place where I share some of my notes. This site is many things: an experiment, a place to leave (often evolving) notes that I can eventually share with others, and a test of [Andy Matuschak](https://andymatuschak.org/)'s idea of [working with the garage door up](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/zCMhncA1iSE74MKKYQS5PBZ). For instance, in [[ai.log]] I'm trying to maintain a personal feed of AI-related news, and in [[democratic-ai.log]] I keep things that I think might be useful for those interested in AI systems with positive social impacts. There are also notes about papers I read and basic Machine Learning concepts. If you are traveling to [[Barcelona]] or [[Toulouse]] you will find some restaurants and places to visit. I practice [[_Taekwondo]] as a physical and mental (someone would say *spiritual*) discipline, so you will also find some random Korean names or [[Ho shin sul]] ("self-defense") techniques. You will also find my training program and notes to improve my [[HOWTO snatch]] and [[HOWTO power clean]]. While I cannot share *everything*, I try to share as much curated information as possible. It also forces me to tidy up my notes.