> The term neurodiversity refers to variation in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood and other mental functions.[^1] > Neurodiversity advocates point out that neurodiverse people often have exceptional abilities alongside their weaknesses. For example, a person with ADHD may hyperfocus on some tasks while struggling to focus on others, or an autistic person may have exceptional memory or even savant skills. In light of these facts, advocates argue for recognition of strengths as well as weaknesses in neurodiverse people, and that a variety of neurological conditions that are currently classified as disorders are better regarded as differences. This view is especially popular within the autism rights movement.[^1] ![[Neurodiversity-image-for-blog_1.png]][^2] - [[Adult ADHD]] - [[Neurodiversity and vulnerability to predators]] ## Related - https://aeon.co/essays/neurodiversity-is-not-enough-we-should-embrace-psydiversity [^1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurodiversity [^2]: https://suelarkey.com.au/neurodiversityblog/