![[My Digital Garden Snapshot.png]] ## Oh, hi there! My name is Alexis Rondeau and welcome to my digital garden. Below you'll find small, interconnected notes that I write for myself to *think, remember, connect and imagine* more. For fun, I regularly ship things like [JamGPT](https://jamgpt.app), [Streamline](https://getstreamline.app), <a href='https://alexisrondeau.me/pudding/'>Pudding</a>, <a href='https://unblah.me/'>Unblah</a>, <a href='https://alexisrondeau.me/algorand-ballet/'>Ballet</a> and <a href='https://getquickdown.com/'>Quickdown</a>. Professionally, here are [[My “Greatest Hits”]], [[My “Biggest Misses”]] and [[My “Best Shots”]]. Feel free to just jump in using the left-side navigation and search! Great to have you, thank you for swinging by! Alexis **PS:** If you have questions about the topics topics I’ve shared here, [[NEW – Open Office Hours Available!|let's talk!]]