A list of books centered around accessibility, disability, and children's literature that celebrate diversity and inclusivity I read and truly enjoyed.
## Accessibility / web:
- "The bootcampers guide to web accessibility" [Lindsey Kopacz](https://www.a11ywithlindsey.com/)
- "Accessible Vue" [Marcus Herrmann](https://marcus-herrmann.com/en)
- "Accesibilidad web" Olga Revilla Muñoz, [Olga Carreras Montoto](https://twitter.com/olgacarreras)
- "Accessibility for everyone" [Laura Kalbag](https://laurakalbag.com/)
- "Inclusive Components" [Heydon Pickering](https://twitter.com/heydonworks)
- "A Web for Everyone: Designing Accessible User Experiences" [Sarah Horton](https://sarahhortondesign.com/), [Whitney Quesenbery](https://www.wqusability.com/), [Aaron Gustafson](https://www.aaron-gustafson.com/)
- "Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design" [Kat Holmes](https://twitter.com/katholmes?lang=en), foreword John Maeda
- "Design for Real Life" [Eric A. Meyers](https://meyerweb.com/), [Sara Watcher-Boettcher](https://www.sarawb.com/)
## Disability:
![[Disability books.png]]
- "Disability: an anecdotal field guide for the rest of us" Tracee Garner
- "Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say and How to be an Ally" Emily Ladau
- "Give Me a Sign" Anna Sortino
## Children books about disability:
![[Children books.png]]
- "What Happened to YOU?" James Catchpole
- "El gran libro de superpoderes" Susanna Isern Iñigo
- "I Am Not a Label: 34 disabled artists, thinkers, athletes and activists from past and present" Carrie Burnell
- "Just Ask!" Sonia Sotomayor
- "Benji, the Bad Day, and Me" Sally J. Pla