%% Title: Robots Created: 2022-03-23 08:41 Status: Parent: [[Resources/Hardware/Robot]] Tags: Source: %% # Building Robots ![[assets/images/DeskRobotics.jpg]] I’ve got a pair of 'pods underway ([[Projects/Robots/Qu4druped|Qu4druped]], [[Projects/Robots/BigHexapod|Big Hexy]]), a dog-like robot, and I have the rover and [krex](https://hackaday.io/project/166400-krex). Also the [[Projects/Robots/3Pi|3Pi]] swarm. ### Resources - [Rust is for robotics](https://robotics.rs/): some links to how to write robotics code with [[Resources/Computing/Lang/Rust|Rust]]. - [Projekt Leptan](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5116941) is a 3D-printed hexapod (e.g. similar to [[Projects/Robots/Qu4druped|Qu4druped]], just with another pair of legs).