I'm Aedan Wells; a software engineer in the cloudy, rainy, but wonderful city of Seattle, Washington. My free time mostly comprises of playing board games and Magic: The Gathering with my friends, barely working r e m o t e l y on projects and Leetcode questions, and watching movies. Movies are a medium of artistic expression that fills me with so much joy, wonder, and curiosity. Cinematography, musical scoring, script construction, and straight up actor magnetism suck me into every movie. I have a need to consume as many movies as I can handle, in the hopes that I can understand more about the lives and ideas of others. I hope to share this with many people, including you! --- This site is going to have many elements. Most importantly, it is going to have my writings on the movies I watch. These aren't necessarily essays nor reviews. Utilizing Obsidian, this site will connect them on genre, themes, actors, directors, etc. Beyond that, I may record my thoughts on different Board Games I play at my local board game cafe, thoughts on my Magic: The Gathering experiences, details on programming projects, and thoughts on Seattle. Thanks to the Blank Check Podcast (I could not recommend them enough), I enjoy viewing movies as part of a director's journey. Each movie leads them to create another, either by giving them more opportunity for self expression or a restriction that requires that director to make a good movie or bust. That theme will come up a lot in my writing and my major organization method will be based on director. You can look here for my current year of films [[2024 |here]]. ### Where Else to Find Me: - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/aedan-wells/) - [Letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/TyrTheSlayer/) - [GitHub](https://github.com/TyrTheSlayer) - I have my school projects set to private to avoid plagarism, message me for access. - [BlueSky](https://bsky.app/profile/aedanwells.bsky.social) - Feel free to message me here :)