There are two ways to identify a command.
- `commandname` That's the one you see when searching in Obsidian's command palette
- `commandid` That's invisible to the user, but can be read from the plugin's source code
> [!note]
> Using the command's ID is strongly recommended, because it's not likely to change. Using [Helper Commands]( the ID is automatically obtained.
Each command URI supports the `confirm` parameter, which when beeing truthy (not empty and not `false`) finds the first main button and clicks it. May be used for the pdf export modal to automatically press the "Export to pdf" button.
In the following `<command>` can be replaced with either `commandname` or `commandid`.
| parameters | explanation |
| --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <command\> | Executes command by its name |
| <command\>, <identification\> | Opens file and then executes command by its name |
| <command\>, <identification\>, line=myline | Opens file, sets the curosor to myline and then executes command by its name |
| <command\>, <identification\>, mode=append | Opens file, adds empty line at the end and sets cursor, then executes command by its name |
| <command\>, <identification\>, mode=prepend | Opens file, adds empty line at the beginning and sets cursor, then executes command by its name |
| <command\>, <identification\>, mode=overwrite | Opens file, clears the file, then executes command by its name |
> [!example]
> Close specific tab by its filepath:
> ```uri
> obsidian://adv-uri?vault=<your-vault>&filepath=<your-file>&commandid=workspace%3Aclose
> ```
> To explain this example: It first switches to the tab specified by `filepath` and then executes the command `Close current tab` by its ID. Resulting in the ability to close any tab by its filepath.